Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Did You Hear?

 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
Matthew 25:13

Well it was not the trumpet of the Lord, that is for sure!  However, I did not expect to hear it yesterday, but I am still expecting it at a time soon when people are unprepared to hear it.   Harold Camping and the Fitzpatrick fellow in New York may actually be a part of making sure the correct interpretation of Bible prophecy is not going to be heard by many who will be caught unawares.  What I did hear was the expected mockery from the media and their continued attacks on righteousness and godliness.  I heard an attempt to mask the true unveiling of prophecy with a man's foolish mathematical ramblings.   Finally, I heard the call of Christ to be steadfast and immovable to what is true.

It seems that Satan used this false preacher to try and embarrass the entire church while calling the correct preaching of Christ and His word into question.  It might work for those uninformed, but it will never work on those who know the truth.  Jesus Christ is coming!  All of those who are mocking the return of Christ will find themselves to be the ones embarrassed in the long run.  

Jesus Himself told us to flee from those who would say He is here or there. Yet, this type of heresy does give godless men an excuse, no matter how flimsy from God's perspective,  for running the church in the ground.  On this point, I was very sad to see some of my former students, many still in high school, ridiculing the coming of Messiah and their classmates who are believers on Facebook.   It is so sad to see the true preaching of salvation alone in Jesus tied to such gross, unbiblical error.  Look at these news items as further proof, but I warn that these articles are graphic in nature and content.   
 BBC News - 'Rapture' apocalypse prediction sparks atheist reaction
Masturbate-a-Thon and Other Fun Rapture Parties Across These United States of Sin - Miami Art - Cultist

As a reminder that this mockery was correctly predicted, here is an excerpt from May 4th's post "Rapture--May 21st?".   "If we don't know the date of His return, surely the message of the cross is just as silly they reason.  Look at this article as proof. Atheists Mock May Rapture Prediction with "Rapture Party" Sadly, without Jesus Christ covering their sin this will not be funny to them in 1000 years if they do not repent.  Very few godless people will take the time to separate those truly following scripture from those in error.  To them, they are all the same.  Furthermore, these false prophets are actually strengthening them in their unbelief."  This prediction has come true in many ways.  Many see this as a way of uniting a false teacher with those who are teaching truth.  It is a demonic attempt to make orthodox (as in right and true in belief and not a denomination) believers seemingly look as foolish as this false prophet, Harold Camping.  Remember, the Bible says to know your adversary, and it was obvious that this was the Liar's intention.  Didn't Paul warn to be careful, "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices"?  (2 Corinthians 2:11)  

I loudly heard an attempt to unite correct teaching against godlessness with false teaching.  Remember, Satan's tactic was to call truth into question by means of blowing false "Christian" teachers out of proportion.  Here was an item that was directly under the home page articles on Fox discussing Doomsday and Harold Camping.  Anger After Controversial Anti-Gay Pastor Recites Prayer at Minnesota State House -  What did this man do in this article?  It says nothing about Him praying against gays at all.   That was just used as an attention getter or literary hook.  His crime was that he prayed in Jesus name.  Here is a quote from this pastor's prayer that caused the anger.  "It's not about the Baptists, not about the Catholics alone, or the Lutherans, or the Evangelicals, or any other denomination, but rather the head of the denomination, and his name is Jesus, as every president up until 2008 has acknowledged and we pray it in Jesus' name."

Directly beside this post,  It's NOT the end of the world as we know it - , there was another post similar to the one on Fox.  It also called into question true teaching, godliness and holiness.  My Faith: How I learned to stop 'praying away the gay' – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs  Again, the tactic is to call into question truth by pointing out the error of a heretic.  Don't be fooled into believing that all that Christians teach is wrong or open for men's opinions and suggestions.  It is not!  God's word is eternal and two-thirds of prophecy that has been fulfilled has been done so with amazing accuracy.  The final third deals with Christ's return which can be seen unfolding now.  Regardless of what Fox, CNN, any other news outlet, or all of mankind without Christ thinks, God will have the last laugh.  His word is amazingly true and accurate; furthermore, it is still unfolding before us even in the midst of the current chaos (which Jesus accurately predicted) around us.

Like a master magician that is excellent at misdirection, here is proof that the real End of Days is near.   Obama: Borders will be different ... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics  While the media mocks the false prophet, they don't realize that they are reporting the news of many of the true prophets both major and minor.  What are the last days scenarios wound around?  The borders of Israel and the city of Jerusalem.  The enemy is trying to hide the truth while diverting the world's attention to the error.  Don't be fooled!  The world is nearing the return of Jesus Christ.  I reiterate, as the scriptures assuredly teach, that we do not know exactly when, but we do know that the season is upon us.

Make sure that as evil men wax worse that your love for Jesus does not wax cold.  Stay steadfast in Christ!  As I shared in a message this morning, flee error, follow truth, and fight the good fight of faith.  

But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.  I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession; That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.
1 Timothy 6:11-16

As verse 15 reminds above, Jesus is soon2come, but in His time not ours--Watch!

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