Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Praying For Caesar

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
1 Timothy 1:1-2
So many are discouraged with the results of the recent election.  There may well be much cause for this as the party that won the Presidential election has an immoral platform.  From the murder of the unborn, the trashing of the Biblical definition of marriage, and the abuse of God's Covenant promises to Israel, there is much that America will be accountable for.  However, in the face of this is the above verse of Paul inspired by God the Holy Spirit.  Whether you agree or disagree with the positions and the leadership of Barack Hussein Obama you are still required to pray for him.  The Word sometimes puts us in that place of a priest or mediator.  This nation needs prayer.  There is only one name in which any prayer is received of God, and you, dear Christian, are called to pray even for those so opposed to God and His purposes in the earth.  You are to take that uneasy place of mediation and call for God's mercy on the land.

It is believed that this letter to Timothy was written around 56 or 57 AD.  If so, that would mean that a very evil man was ruling the Roman Empire when Paul wrote this command.  It was the insane last member of the Julio-Claudine Dynasty, Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus.  Nero was a savage a brutal leader who even ordered the execution of his birth mother.  He was lewd and godless.  He was also the man who would later order the execution of the Apostle Paul under the first of the ten periods of persecution perpetrated on the church.  Was Paul serious, then, when he wrote for us to pray?  Very serious!  Are you praying for the President, the Congress, and the Supreme Court?  Remember, they have much to be accountable for before the eternal throne of the Lamb turned Lion.  

Nero the Decadent--Caesar of Paul's Day

When you take the time and research all of the leaders and elders that Paul may have had in mind, his injunction to pray was not to be taken lightly.  Pray, then for these leaders and for this nation.  Our time is short and judgement for the blood of the innocents is sure to be requited.  Pray, church pray.  Remember, Jesus Christ is Soon2Come.

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